05 January 2013

5 January 2013 - Romans 14:13

Saturday, January 5

Let us not be judging one another any longer, but rather make this your decision, not to put before a brother a stumbling block or a cause for tripping.—Rom. 14:13.
Some Christians in Rome were improperly judging others on purely personal matters. (Rom. 14:1-6) Paul counseled individuals on both sides of the dispute. (Rom. 14:10, 14, 15, 20, 21) He told ‘everyone there among them not to think more of himself than it was necessary to think.’ (Rom. 12:3) After counseling them all, Paul wrote: “So, then, let us pursue the things making for peace and the things that are upbuilding to one another.” (Rom. 14:19) When differences among fellow Christians occur today, should we not likewise settle disputes graciously by humbly seeking and applying Scriptural counsel? As was the case with the Romans, today those on both sides of the controversy may need to make adjustments in order to “keep peace between one another.” — Mark 9:50 w11 8/15 4:8-10

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