24 March 2023

Pagan Traditions of Easter

Easter is a holiday that is celebrated worldwide, with varying traditions and customs. However, it is not just a Christian holiday. In fact, the origins of Easter can be traced back to ancient pagan traditions that celebrated the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. This article will explore the popular pagan traditions of Easter. One of the most prominent figures associated with Easter is the Easter Bunny. The tradition of the Easter Bunny has its roots in pagan celebrations of the goddess Eostre, who was associated with the arrival of spring and the fertility of the land. The rabbit was one of her sacred animals and was seen as a symbol of fertility and new life. German immigrants brought the custom of the Easter Bunny to America in the 19th century, where it evolved into the popular Easter Bunny we know today [1]. Another popular Easter tradition with pagan roots is the decoration and giving of eggs. Eggs were seen as a symbol of fertility and new life, and were often used in pagan celebrations of the arrival of spring. In many pagan cultures, eggs were painted and exchanged as gifts. Today, the tradition of decorating and giving eggs has evolved into the modern practice of dyeing and hiding Easter eggs for children to find [3]. The Spring Equinox, which falls around March 21st or 22nd, is another important pagan celebration that has become associated with Easter. The Spring Equinox marks the time when day and night are of equal length and represents a time of balance and renewal. This holiday is also known as Ostara, which is named after the Germanic goddess Eostre. During this holiday, pagans celebrate the arrival of spring with bonfires, feasts, and offerings to the goddess of fertility [5]. In conclusion, the popular pagan traditions of Easter have their roots in ancient celebrations of the arrival of spring and the rebirth of nature. The Easter Bunny, the decoration and giving of eggs, and the celebration of the Spring Equinox are just a few examples of these traditions that have evolved over time into the modern-day Easter holiday. Understanding the pagan origins of Easter can give us a deeper appreciation for the customs and traditions that have become associated with this holiday.

A Brief History of Easter

Easter is a holiday that is celebrated by millions of people around the world, but many may not know the history behind it. Easter has been celebrated for centuries and has evolved over time to become the holiday that we know today. In this article, we will take a look at the history of Easter, from its roots in ancient pagan celebrations to its current form as a Christian holiday.

The origins of Easter can be traced back to pagan celebrations of the spring equinox. The equinox, which occurs around March 21st, marks the beginning of spring and the rebirth of nature. The ancient pagans celebrated this time of year with a festival called Ostara, which was dedicated to the goddess of spring and fertility. This festival was characterized by the lighting of fires, the exchange of gifts, and the decorating of eggs.

The early Christian church adopted many of these pagan traditions and incorporated them into their own celebrations of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The date of Easter was set to coincide with the spring equinox, and the symbolism of rebirth and renewal was applied to the story of Jesus rising from the dead.

The word Easter itself is thought to have been derived from the Old English word Ēastre, which was the name of a pagan goddess of spring. As Christianity spread throughout Europe, many pagan customs were absorbed into Christian tradition, and the celebration of Easter became more widespread.

The way in which Easter is celebrated has also evolved over time. In the early Christian church, Easter was a time of fasting and repentance, similar to the season of Lent. However, as the holiday became more popular, it began to take on a more festive tone. Today, Easter is celebrated with a variety of customs, including the decorating of Easter eggs, the consumption of chocolate bunnies and other sweets, and the holding of Easter egg hunts.

In addition to its religious significance, Easter has also become an important cultural holiday. It is celebrated by people of all faiths and backgrounds, and is a time for families and friends to come together and enjoy each other's company.

In conclusion, the history of Easter is a long and complex one, rooted in ancient pagan celebrations and adapted over time by the Christian church. While the holiday's origins may be murky, its message of rebirth and renewal remains a powerful and timeless one. Whether you celebrate Easter for religious or cultural reasons, it is a holiday that brings joy and hope to millions of people around the world.

A Week of Turmoil for US Banks: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse, Emergency Loans, and Interest Rate Hikes

The US banking system has experienced a tumultuous week, with multiple events threatening its stability. Here are some of the key developments: Silicon Valley Bank Collapse [[1][4][5]]: On March 13th, Silicon Valley Bank, a bank specializing in providing financial services to tech startups, collapsed due to a large number of bad loans. The collapse sent shockwaves through the banking system, raising concerns about the health of other banks that had made similar loans. Emergency Loans [[1]]: To shore up the banking system, the Federal Reserve unveiled an emergency loan program on March 16th. As of March 23rd, banks had borrowed $11.9 billion from the program. Interest Rate Hikes [[2]]: On March 23rd, the Federal Reserve announced that it would raise interest rates by 0.25%. The move was seen as an attempt to combat inflation, but it also raised concerns about the impact on banks, which may face higher borrowing costs. US Banking System Capital Levels [[3]]: Despite the recent crisis, the US banking system is in a strong position, with capital levels at a multi-decade high. However, rising yields and fluctuations in the economy have exposed vulnerabilities in the system. Stress Tests [[7]]: The 2010 Dodd-Frank Act requires banks to undergo annual stress tests to ensure that they can weather future economic downturns. However, some critics have questioned the effectiveness of these tests, particularly in light of recent events. Overall, the US banking system is facing significant challenges, but it remains relatively stable. While the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank has raised concerns, the emergency loan program and high capital levels should help mitigate the damage. However, the interest rate hike and ongoing economic fluctuations may continue to pose risks for the banking system in the coming weeks and months.

23 March 2023

Coinbase Faces Potential SEC Lawsuit Over Crypto Lending Program

Coinbase, the leading cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, is facing the prospect of a lawsuit from the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) over its proposed crypto lending program. The SEC has issued a "Wells Notice" to Coinbase, indicating that the regulator is considering legal action against the company. The SEC has been scrutinizing Coinbase's proposed lending program for several months, expressing concerns that it might be offering securities without proper registration or disclosure. The lending program would allow users to earn interest on their cryptocurrency holdings by lending them out to other users. Coinbase maintains that the lending program is not a security and therefore does not require registration with the SEC. However, the SEC disagrees, arguing that the program involves the offer and sale of securities. The Wells Notice is a formal notification that the SEC intends to pursue legal action against Coinbase, giving the company the opportunity to respond and make its case before the regulator makes a final decision. Coinbase has stated that it plans to defend its position and work with the SEC to find a resolution. The outcome of this dispute could have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole. The SEC has been cracking down on unregistered securities offerings in the crypto space, and a lawsuit against Coinbase could set a precedent for other companies that offer similar lending programs. Coinbase is not the only crypto company to face regulatory scrutiny recently. Last year, the SEC filed a lawsuit against Ripple Labs, alleging that its XRP token was a security and that the company had engaged in unregistered securities offerings. The lawsuit is ongoing, and its outcome could also have far-reaching implications for the crypto industry. As the crypto industry continues to grow and evolve, regulatory oversight is becoming increasingly important. Companies that fail to comply with regulations risk facing legal action and damaging the reputation of the entire industry. The outcome of the SEC's investigation into Coinbase's lending program will be closely watched by industry participants and regulators alike.

Coinbase and the SEC

Coinbase is a popular cryptocurrency exchange platform that allows users to buy, sell, and trade digital assets like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is a government agency responsible for enforcing federal securities laws and regulating the securities industry. In 2021, Coinbase announced its plans to go public through a direct listing on the NASDAQ stock exchange. This move raised concerns among some industry experts and regulators, including the SEC, about potential regulatory and legal issues surrounding Coinbase's business practices and the cryptocurrency market in general. The SEC has been closely monitoring the cryptocurrency industry and has expressed concerns about the lack of regulation and potential risks to investors. In particular, the SEC has raised concerns about the potential for fraud, manipulation, and other illegal activities in the cryptocurrency market. In November 2021, Coinbase received a Wells notice from the SEC, indicating that the agency was considering taking enforcement action against the company for alleged violations of securities laws related to its lending program. Coinbase had planned to offer a new lending product that would allow users to earn interest on certain cryptocurrencies, but the SEC argued that this product was a security and would need to be registered with the agency. Coinbase has disputed the SEC's claims and has stated that it has been engaged in ongoing discussions with the agency about its lending program. The outcome of this case could have significant implications for the cryptocurrency industry as a whole, as it may set a precedent for how cryptocurrencies are regulated and treated under securities laws.

Trump's Possible Charges

As of March 23, 2023, former President Donald Trump has not been charged with any crimes related to his tenure in office. However, there are ongoing investigations by the Manhattan district attorney's office into hush money payments made to adult film actress Stormy Daniels in 2016, as well as allegations of obstruction of Congress related to the January 6th Capitol attack [1]. Trump has denied any wrongdoing in these matters [2], but reports suggest that charges related to the hush money payments may be imminent, with some sources suggesting they could come as soon as this week [3]. The Manhattan district attorney's investigation has been ongoing for several years and appears to be nearing a decision regarding whether to charge Trump with a crime related to the $130,000 hush money payment made just before the 2016 election [4]. In response to these reports, workers have erected barricades around a Manhattan courthouse, and New York City is bracing for potential protests and unrest [7]. It should be noted that Trump has escaped law enforcement inquiries in the past, and it remains to be seen whether he will face charges related to these investigations [10].

23 February 2023

New Beginnings

After months of careful planning, the day had finally arrived. Emily stood at the entrance of her new apartment building, taking in the fresh scent of the crisp autumn air. She had always been a city girl, but the hustle and bustle of the big city had become too much for her. She needed a change, a fresh start, and that was exactly what she was going to get.

Emily had left her old life behind - a demanding job, a failing relationship, and a cramped apartment. Now, she had a new job, a new city, and a new apartment. Everything was new, and she was ready for it.

As she climbed the stairs to her new apartment, she couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement. This was her chance to start over, to make new memories, to find new friends, and to be the person she had always wanted to be.

Emily opened the door to her new apartment, and it was just as she had hoped - bright, airy, and spacious. She took a deep breath, feeling the warmth of the sun streaming through the windows. This was her new home, and she was ready to make it her own.

Over the next few days, Emily explored her new city. She walked along the river, visited the local markets, and even found a cute coffee shop where she could sit and read for hours. She was amazed at how friendly the people were, and she felt like she was finally starting to belong.

On her first day of work, Emily was nervous. She didn't know anyone, and she wasn't sure if she was going to fit in. But as the day went on, she realized that her new colleagues were just as welcoming as the people she had met in her new city. She felt like she was part of a team, and that was a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time.

As weeks turned into months, Emily settled into her new life. She had made new friends, found new hobbies, and was thriving in her new job. She felt like she was finally living the life she had always wanted, and she was grateful for the new beginning that had brought her here.

Looking back on her old life, Emily realized that leaving it all behind was the best decision she had ever made. She had found happiness and contentment in her new life, and she knew that it was just the beginning of a new journey.

17 March 2021

Sent My Passport Off For Renewal

Today I got my passport pictures taken at CVS, which cost about $17, less than I was expecting it to be and a quicker process as well. Think it took about 10 minutes all togeter. Completely forgot about the possibility of any USPS building having a passport office, but luckily didn't have to since it would have required an appointment anyways. Saved myself a little bit of trouble that way. Took the bus to the USPS building after the pics, and ended up having to get a money order to pay for the processing of my passport at it's final destination. For some reason I was thinking I'd be able to pay for everything up front at the post office. Come to find out a check or money order is needed so that it can be sent with the materials and processing. Seems like a receipt would have been more convenient, allowing for everything to be paid at the origination so that everything is set and no worries needed. It was a clear day with warm weather today allowing for a comfortable bus ride and walking in between. Allowed for a good scenic view when waiting for the bus home as well.

06 March 2021

A Trip To Lusaka In The Making

     My mom's cancer treatment has been every two weeks, with a three day treatment process. It's got it's ups and downs, with a new drug that doesn't give her adverse reactions to cold. She's been seeming to react well to the previous treatment, the current treatment is to see what more progress can be made. 
     Recently found my passport, as I need to renew it. Planning on visiting Lusaka, Zambia. Have a friend I'll be visiting there. She's currently got one child, a daughter who's in school as a 9 year old. As it turns out, even though my passport is expired,  there's a 15 year period from the initial issue to be able to mail it in with pictures which simplifies the process, I think. Had it been past the 15 years, I would have to do the whole process again as if for the 1st time. I'll have to wait 6 months after it has become valid again before I can consider the trip to Lusaka. It'll give me time to save and plan for the trip.

20 October 2020

Time Begins

The family member pretty much starts a once a month treatment next week for a once a month treatment. This week has a couple procedures that will look at any physical indicators for any other things that currently exist. The treatment for the cancer is a 4 hour process while sitting in a chair once  a month. A drug form of chemo has been developed that will be delivered through a port that will be put in this week.

Going to have to at least start doing a little bit of research to have an idea of what's going on. Money's going to be a little tight with everything going on, with the family member quitting their job. Wondering what side gigs would be significant enough without a car to at least increase income while at home. Maybe there's a community that will be able to point out the right direction to go.

13 October 2020

A Family Member Has Cancer

Cancer. What's the best way to call it evil? A family member has been diagnosed and all of a sudden you feel useless. Doctors are the best option, being watched from the sidelines. Incapable of doing anything except to just be there for them whenever they may need you. Right now it's just been caught at stage 4, treatment to come and planned. What's next? Plenty of success stories to believe in against this invisible enemy, especially during a pandemic. Hope is the option where nothing else exists. Coping with the struggle, one foot at a time, one in front of the other, one day at a time. Of all the progress made and the most evasive is this?

05 April 2017

#45's Tweet About Hillary Not Apologizing

"On 26 September 2016, Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump squared off at Hofstra University for the first head-to-head presidential debate of the campaign. One of the talking points that emerged from the debate was the preparedness of each candidate, exemplified by this line from Clinton in response to a remark by Trump about her recent absence from the campaign trail:
“I think Donald just criticized me for preparing for this debate. And yes I did. And you know what else I prepared for? I prepared to be president. And I think that’s a good thing.”
While legitimate news outlets such as Washington Post penned articles explaining how Clinton meticulously prepared for the debate, the non-legitimate Baltimore Gazette published a fake news article offering a different explanation — Clinton had received her debate questions a week in advance:
The first presidential debate was held and Hillary Clinton was proclaimed the winner by the media. Indeed Clinton was able to turn in a strong debate performance, but did she do so fairly? Multiple reports and leaked information from inside the Clinton camp claim that the Clinton campaign was given the entire set of debate questions an entire week before the actual debate. "
Hillary Clinton received her questions for the first presidential debate of 2016 a week in advance. - False [Snopes]

06 March 2017

#45 Twitter About Celebrity Apprentice

Arnold Schwarzenegger Ditches NBC’s ‘Apprentice,’ Blames Donald Trump

“I don’t want to do it again,” Trump’s Apprentice successor told Empire. “It’s not about the show, because everyone I ran into came up to me and said ‘I love the show… but I turned it off because as soon as I read Trump’s name I’m outta there!’ … When people found out that Trump was still involved as executive producer and was still receiving money from the show, then half the people [started] boycotting it.”

22 November 2015

Solo Tree


Worked for about 4 hours last night. My foot was pretty aggravated by the end of the shift.  Stopped by McDonald's on the way home so that I could take my medicine for the pain. Starting to think that I am getting accustomed to the medicine but it is still working. That I am grateful for.

When I get to a certain financial level, I have been thinking of either moving to Chicago or San Diego or both. Both would require a higher level of financial status. Both would be a good and likely place to live. Second option would be to move back to Alaska. During the first few weeks of gaining what I need, I will be able to look at my options and weigh the pros and cons of each and all places.

Just not sure what I would do with 3 nights off in a row. Wondering what would help with earning money while I wait to heal. Though I am sure I can find out when I go for my appointment at the VA Clinic in Bellevue. Just wish that there was an easier way to earn a living. Perhaps I can find a way while at my parents' house for dinner. Here's to hoping a way pops up. 😊

17 November 2015


My big toe seems to have improved, with a bit less pain then when it first happened. Never thought that taking care of laundry would be this grave. Hoping that at the initial check up at the VA to get my primary care designation I'll be able to see what kind of care will be needed. Hopefully, no surgery will be involved. Wondering what will be involved if there is. Only time will tell, though I would like to just not go through surgery and just get through the healing process. Even as annoying as walking on one part of my foot is and as annoying as the dull pain is in my right toe.

The Norco does help with alleviating what does exist. Progression is seemingly coming along because of it as well. Just wishing that it would heal faster. Healing right wouldn't happen that way I guess. It is pretty nice to catch up on my Hulu queue though.

One in particular show is Castle. Always did like the kind of shows that involve actors like the main character in Castle. Firefly was a good show and don't know why it was cancelled. And the previous actors are included into some of the episodes of Castle.

Work called, seeing if I would be able to do 4 hours on a scheduled Saturday to see how things worked out. That would be half of my normal time but would be good to still get part of a paycheck. Sunday night was also a scheduled night that would also see how things would work if Saturday goes well. Two nights off after that and I have my VA appointment on the next scheduled night for work. So pretty much, I'll be letting work know how the appointment goes when all is said and done.

Pretty much, after Wednesday, I'll have have medical whether or not I have a job after that. Just not sure what all I'll have after that.

12 November 2015

As it is

Not sure if I should have waited so long to get my foot looked at considering how it felt after I had slipped on the stairs and how my right foot had gotten caught. It had seemed to have held the weight of my body which had felt to transfer all to that one toe. It had been shortly after getting off work and had a few minutes after getting home decided to get my laundry from the dryer. Hindsight suggests that I could have worn my indoor shoes to prevent the slip.

Upon review of the x-rays, the doc had said that the part of the big toe on my right foot was fractured and that I should have minimal use of walking until it is healed and that I should have it looked at in 7 to 10 days to see whether surgery is necessary or not. 6 to 10 weeks was his time frame for healing if no surgery is needed. When I go into the VA clinic on the 25th of this month, it have been 10 days and then they will be able to look at it. I was going to be going in initially to get a initial check up to get primary care established but this will be part of what I go in for as well.

Pretty glad that I went in to get my foot checked out. Definitely helps to know what is going on with it that thereis a process for taking care of it. Just don't know if I will have a job when the whole thing is said and done. Though I am pretty sure that I will be qualified for unemployment if I am jobless after this.

In the meantime, I will rest and elevate my foot to let it heal. The bridge will be crossed when I get there.

06 June 2015

For real though....

For real though

A photo posted by 🇺🇸 J Kidwell ~ N.M. 🇺🇸 (@uniform_humor) on


Brothers for life 🐺🇺🇸

A photo posted by 🇺🇸 J Kidwell ~ N.M. 🇺🇸 (@uniform_humor) on

19 March 2015

Gods by Langston Hughes

The ivory gods,
And the ebony gods,
And the gods of diamond and jade,
Sit silently on their temple shelves
While the people
Are afraid.
Yet the ivory gods,
And the ebony gods,
And the gods of diamond-jade,
Are only silly puppet gods
That the people themselves
Have made.

~ Langston Hughes

07 January 2015

Possible Job In Hoffman Estates

Yesterday, I had gotten an email from a head hunter wondering if I may be interested in a possible job with Siemens. I had replied with an updated resume. The position was better geared to what I went to school for and was nearly double the pay I am currently getting. Naturally I would take it, right?

Today, I get a call from the head hunter wanting a little bit more info before sending on my resume. Found out that it would be about a week or so for them to get back about the potential candidates. If they were interested in me through my resume, then I would be offered an interview. This still sounded good, hoping for the best that they would ultimately hire me.

Would love to be back in the Chicago Area. Has a lot more to offer then the small town I am currently living in. Plus, it would help me to get my life back on track. May even help me with finishing up my Bachelor’s.

Started looking for possible places to live should the opportunity for employment with such a wonderful establishment. Think I may have tried before to get a job with Siemens but it didn’t work out. Hoffman Estates is a nice area and wouldn’t mind living there for a little while.

09 November 2014

What The Marine Corps Birthday And Veterans Day Means To Me

Tomorrow, on Monday, 10 November 2014, it will be the 239th year of the Marine Corps. The day after, Veteran’s Day. Thinking first of the Marine Corps, what comes to mind are those I served along side with. 5 years of my life, spent in an effort to be part of what was to be bigger than myself.  A path paved by those before me and those after, fulfilling an obligation freely taken and fully served for the country we believed in, a country we dared to protect against those who dare to take it and destroy. Freedoms we protected were given up so that our families, friends, and others may have them as enjoyment. The sacrifice of past, current, and future Marines will always be remembered by those close to them and the ones they protect. Those who died that I served with gave willingly of themselves so that those back home may enjoy comforts that all can work for. A sacrifice that will allow the freedom to enjoy each day to the fullest and to read, watch, write, speak, listen, believe or not believe etc. anything that is reasonable to them.

Freedoms that all should and aught to enjoy around the world are enjoyed in America. Those freedoms fought hard for by those who served in the Marine Corps and the other services, which is what Veteran’s Day is set to help us as a nation to remember.

The family’s of those that have served give up so much as well in order for those that serve may serve even more freely. Parents who let their sons and daughters go to war, knowing that they may never see them again. Wives and husbands who support their spouses in their service to fellow man and country, fearing just as well that it is for the greater good that the spouse protects the country with the gift of self, wholly and without reservation, knowing the ultimate gift is their life. Last but definitely not least, are the children whose parent ( s ) serve, growing up knowing what was given. Those who have lost loved ones in exchange for the protection of freedom and home soil know the cost that comes with supporting such actions.

Those who serve in all the branches know the cost of bearing such a weight, doing it gladly knowing the reward at the end.

This Marine Corps Birthday and Veteran’s Day have a significance to me in that I know the cost given by those fallen that I served with. Within the unit I served at OEF2, 6 I knew died, giving of themselves, committed to never letting any dangers that may come after what they cherished back back home get any closer than was necessary, especially if they could have a say. Since coming back, I have remembered them, always keeping in mind the sacrifice they made. The 6 I knew, along with the countless others.

10 August 2014

A Contradiction To Mormonism Part 1

Thinking about my relatively short time in Mormonism, I have come to find out of certain contradiction within the faith itself. In this part, I will take notice of the biblical contradictions.

First, the claim in Helaman 8: 21 of the Book of Mormon. Here, three questions are asked about the destruction of Jerusalem, if the sons of Zedekiah were truly killed except for Mulek, and if the “seed” of Zedekiah were present at that time and were driven out of Jerusalem.

And now will you dispute that Jerusalem was destroyed? Will ye say that the sons of Zedekiah were not slain, all except it were Mulek? Yea, and do ye not behold that the seed of Zedekiah are with us, and they were driven out of the land of Jerusalem? But behold, this is not all— (Helaman 8: 21)

In reference to Zedekiah, the Old Testament shows that Zedekiah’s end was to watch his progeny die at the hands of the king of Babylon, have his eyes poked out, then to became chained and made captive. He was to remain a captive of Babylon till his death. Pretty sure that he was unable to have any children after that. As for Mulek, his name is never even mentioned in the bible.

And the city was besieged unto the eleventh year of king Zedekiah. And on the ninth day of the fourth month the famine prevailed in the city, and there was no bread for the people of the land. And the city was broken up, and all the men of war fled by night by the way of the gate between two walls, which is by the king's garden: (now the Chaldees were against the city round about:) and the king went the way toward the plain. And the army of the Chaldees pursued after the king, and overtook him in the plains of Jericho: and all his army were scattered from him. So they took the king, and brought him up to the king of Babylon to Riblah; and they gave judgment upon him. And they slew the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes, and put out the eyes of Zedekiah, and bound him with fetters of brass, and carried him to Babylon. (1 Kings 25: 2 – 7)[see also: Jeremiah 39: 2 – 7; 44: 30; 52: 5 – 11]

Second, there’s another Book of Mormon reference: 1 Nephi 1: 4. Lehi is mentioned as a person in this verse during the reign of Zedekiah. Any reference to Lehi refers to a place located in Judah, no person or living entity.

For it came to pass in the commencement of the first year of the reign of Zedekiah, king of Judah, (my father, Lehi, having dwelt at Jerusalem in all his days); and in that same year there came many prophets, prophesying unto the people that they must repent, or the great city Jerusalem must be destroyed. (1 Nephi 1: 4)

Considering the evidence and “non-evidence”, the conclusion based on the bible itself brings to light that Mormonism, Joseph Smith, and the Book of Mormon have no valid place in honesty or reality. Joseph Smith himself has been proven to be a fraud countless times before he brought about to fruition a whole new religion.

Thinking back, I remember a friend in Mormonism saying that he would believe in it whether it was true or not. All I could think of at that point how sad it was that anybody would prefer believing a lie over the truth, even if it made them feel good. Like taking a placebo over the real thing and therefore never truly getting better. Like Matt Dilahunty, I prefer believing as many true things as possible. Truth that is factual and evidence based.

Though I wish I at least known this when first approached by the missionaries, I am just glad I know it now. Glad they did though, or else I would not have decided to look for the information and have the ability to use it in the future. Just hoping that constructive conversation can be part of the equation of figuring out how they choose to explain what I have found. Hoping to dwindle the hold that such mythology has on the general public.

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Blogger Labels: Contradiction,Mormonism,faith,Helaman,Book of Mormon,Here,destruction,Jerusalem,Zedekiah,Mulek,reference,Testament,progeny,Babylon,death,children,famine,bread,gate,walls,garden,Chaldees,army,Jericho,Riblah,judgment,fetters,brass,Kings,Jeremiah,Nephi,Lehi,person,verse,Judah,commencement,father,conclusion,Joseph,Smith,fraud,times,fruition,religion,friend,truth,placebo,Matt Dilahunty,Though,Glad,Just,conversation,mythology,contradictions,prophets,itself,sons,bible,unto

30 July 2014

Can You Ever Really Be Too Beautiful For A Team Sport?

I find it odd that anyone on a sports team could be too beautiful or too much of anything apart from being too much of a bad sport. When I saw the video, it made me question why it was an issue in the first place. Many times over, activities like Cheerleading, dancing, acting, etc, have no known issue, to me anyways, with any one person being too beautiful. As far as I can tell, there's noone less then beautiful. Beauty even seems to be promoted.

27 July 2014

Not Sure Yet About My Focus As An Atheist Blogger

Not Sure About My Focus 
Having trouble trying to have a main focus as far as what to write concerning atheism after much of what I’ve been seeing. I want to join the “fight” against passing myth, fantasy, and magic as truth and reality. Being over generalized, Atheism vs. Religion/Faith/Myth, without any clear direction as to which way it is going. No path set or any signs pointing as to which way to go, I am left with a question mark over my head at the paths going willy-nilly.  
At first, I wanted to comb through the news and find different ways of acknowledging how religion was doing it wrong. Upon further consideration, I realized I did not have a matrix of how I would go about it since I had been so used to keeping most of my opinions to myself. 
The further along I went down that line of thought, it made me think about my “time” with the JW’s. I began to realize that there had been a constant thought in the back of my mind about how I was indirectly chastised about thinking for myself and that the elders were the only ones who should do the thinking for me, along with determining whom I was to actually be. The governing body was the one who was actually pulling the strings like a puppet master, seeing how they were the ones putting out the information that was to be studied each Sunday along with whatever weekday was chosen by the congregation for the book study and other material.  
Dwelling on that, I realized that had I not left when I did, I would have allowed others to do my thinking for me as well as allowing them to have complete control over me. This could be applicable to Mormonism and Christianity in general. 
The veil had lifted, as the saying goes. I am positive that there are pure and unselfish intentions by some, but know that most do it for the control that being in such authority allows for. Interestingly, I noticed how veil equals evil. Same letters with a couple rearranged between the two allows both to go hand in hand. Intention may not have been there but the correlation has become evident to me.  
Being able to think for myself with the verifiable information allowed, makes the future brighter. As an individual, still single and no kids, happiness comes at the fact that I am not subject to a wife and children still in any particular religion with me having come out of it. As the proverb goes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Freedom that is allowed to me in making my own decisions helps me to exercise my mind. Accepting as well that mistakes will be made, being human. No one is born perfect nor born with the instincts that other animals have that allow them to live in their environment. 
This idea helps me to appreciate the value of life more, having the ability to think, being able to exercise my mind that in turn will give me more capableness in being able to handle any future decisions. In particular, when any new facts come to light that will help make way for a better path; I will be ready for it. Admittedly, there is still a lot for me to learn and to overcome, especially for as long as I have been in the concept of “faith”. Appreciation for the way that believing in a deity is no different than believing in Santa Claus. Both are based, not on or in reality, but exist to give a false hope, and in most ways the way of controlling the one who believes in the concept. 
My intention is not to use this blog as a platform to rant and rave while spinning my tires in the mud. I do plan on going somewhere with it. To at least help me learn along the true path of reality and maybe to help those where I can. Reading fantasy and sci-fi genres are the best, but having to accept them as truth is no way to live. Like Aesop’s Fables and Grimm’s Fairytales are ways of conveying certain truths, so should the approach to any belief without having to take the trash with the cake. 
During work this week, a co-worker had mentioned that Satan was more of a warden when I had brought up the fact that “hell” would not be all that bad since those going there were doing what Satan wanted anyway. To say the least, I found it interesting since it was the first time I had heard of Satan being as such. Never quite heard it put that way before though I am sure that there is no reference of him being as such.