20 February 2024

Waiting on God: Chapter 2

I dragged myself out of bed again, exhausted before the day even began. It had been weeks now since I'd stopped praying or reading my Bible. God felt distant, silent. I saw no point in continuing a one-way conversation with the ceiling.

As I boiled water for my morning tea, I caught a glimpse of my Bible on the kitchen counter. Anger swelled up in me again. Why had God stopped listening? Why did it feel like my prayers just bouncing off the ceiling lately? 

With a sigh, I opened the book randomly. My eyes fell on Psalm 27:14 - "Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord."

I nearly laughed at the irony. Wait for the Lord? I had been waiting and praying for weeks now with no answer. My health was getting worse while God sat silent.

Still, something about the verse gave me pause. Wait for the Lord...not just once but twice. The emphasis struck me. I realized that in my prayers, I had been demanding that God move according to my timing and will. But real faith was not just believing when I got what I asked for. It was trusting God even when I didn't understand His timing and plan. 

Could it be that God was still working even in the silence? Perhaps there were purposes being worked out that I couldn't yet see. Ways in which my suffering was refining my faith and drawing me closer to Him in the darkness. 

I glimpsed a small ray of hope piercing the gloom that had settled over my heart. God had not abandoned me after all. He was still worthy of my trust and praise - not just when circumstances were going my way, but especially in the painful moments when His plan was unclear. 

There in my kitchen, I made a choice - I would wait on the Lord. Not passively waiting for circumstances to change, but actively trusting Him and finding small ways to praise Him every day, no matter how I felt. My situation may not have changed yet. But my attitude shifted from despair to determined hope.

19 February 2024

Waiting on God: Chapter 1

It was the worst news I could have imagined. The doctor said the tests had come back positive - stage IV cancer. Inoperable. I sat stunned, unable to comprehend how this could be happening. After years of good health, it felt like my world was crashing down in an instant. 

When I got home, I sank to my knees and cried out to God. I had been a believer my whole life, faithfully attending church and trying to walk in His ways. And now in my darkest moment, I desperately needed Him. 

"God, please take this cup from me," I pleaded. "I don't understand, but I know you have the power to heal me. Your Word says that through your stripes I am healed. I am claiming that promise for myself today, Lord. Please, take this cancer away and restore my health."

I stayed there on my knees, praying, petitioning, begging God to perform a miracle. But the days slipped by and my health continued to decline. The treatments my doctors prescribed didn't seem to be having much of an effect. Still I prayed and believed God for healing. 

As the weeks went on with no change, I began to struggle with anger and doubt. Where was God in all this? Why wasn't He answering my prayers? I had been faithful, so why had He abandoned me in my most desperate hour? 

Dark thoughts swirled in my mind. Maybe God didn't have the power to heal me after all. Maybe He just didn't care enough about me to answer my prayers. My anger toward God festered. I stopped praying or reading my Bible. I turned my back on the faith that had once seemed so sure.

01 February 2024

Jews' Motivation for Rebuilding Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:17)

The interpretation of Nehemiah 2:17 and the Jews' motivation for rebuilding Jerusalem can be complex and multifaceted. Here are different perspectives to consider:


* The verse mentions the "broken walls" and "gates burned with fire," suggesting the city was vulnerable to attack and damage. Rebuilding the walls could provide physical protection against potential enemies.
* Nehemiah expresses concern about the "reproach" his people endure, which some interpret as fear of external threats or potential ridicule for their weakened state.


* The broken walls could symbolize a loss of identity, security, and divine favor. Rebuilding them could be seen as reclaiming their dignity and restoring their covenant with God.
* The verse mentions the "disgrace" associated with the city's state. This could refer to feelings of shame or humiliation due to the destruction and their diminished status.

**Beyond Danger and Disgrace:**

* Some interpretations move beyond immediate threats and shame, emphasizing the importance of rebuilding Jerusalem as a fulfillment of God's promise and a restoration of their religious center.
* The project aimed to create a safe and prosperous community, signifying not just defense but also renewal and hope for the future.

Ultimately, the motivation for rebuilding Jerusalem likely involved a combination of factors, encompassing both practical concerns about danger and deeper feelings of disgrace or yearning for restoration. Understanding the historical context and considering different perspectives can help you form your own interpretation of this passage.

It's important to note that the interpretation of religious texts can be subjective and depend on individual beliefs and approaches. 

If you'd like to explore this topic further, I can provide you with additional resources from different scholarly perspectives or religious traditions.

27 January 2024

Courage in Jesus' Presence

John 17:11, "I am no longer in the world, but they are in the world, and I am coming to you. Holy Father, keep through your own name those whom you have given me, that they may be one, as we are one," can offer courage for several reasons: **1. Jesus' Presence:** Though physically absent from the world, Jesus assures his disciples (and by extension, believers) that he is coming back to the Father. This promise of his future return offers hope and anticipation, knowing that separation is temporary and reunion is certain. **2. Protection and Unity:** Jesus entrusts his followers to the Father's care, praying for their protection "through your own name." This emphasizes God's power and faithfulness to watch over his children. Additionally, Jesus prays for their unity, "that they may be one, as we are one." This unity provides strength and support within the community of believers, making them less vulnerable to the challenges of the world. **3. Overcoming the World:** Jesus acknowledges that his followers remain "in the world," which can be a challenging and often hostile place. However, he doesn't leave them alone. His presence through the Holy Spirit and his ongoing intercession with the Father provide reassurance and strength to navigate the difficulties of worldly life. **4. Divine Relationship:** The passage highlights the intimate relationship between Jesus and the Father, offering a glimpse into the divine unity. Knowing that we are part of this relational dynamic, included in Jesus' prayer, can be a source of immense comfort and security. Ultimately, the courage found in John 17:11 comes from the assurance of Jesus' presence, protection, and love, even when facing the challenges of the world. It reminds us that we are not alone, but part of a larger divine family, united in purpose and destined for an eternal future with God. It's important to note that different interpretations and applications of this verse exist within various Christian traditions. However, the core message of hope, protection, and unity remains a source of solace and strength for many believers. I hope this explanation helps! Feel free to ask any further questions you may have about this passage or its interpretation.

25 January 2024

God's Lawgiving Power and Wisdom

The verses Job 38:8-10, where God speaks to Job through the whirlwind, offer several insights into Jehovah as a Lawgiver: **1. Universal Authority:** The imagery of God establishing boundaries ("doors, bars") for the sea, a powerful and chaotic force, emphasizes his absolute authority over all creation. This lawgiving extends beyond human societies to encompass the natural world, demonstrating his overarching power and control. **2. Order and Limits:** By setting boundaries for the sea, God establishes order and prevents chaos. This reflects his desire for a universe governed by laws and principles, ensuring stability and predictability. Similarly, human laws established by God aim to bring order and justice to society. **3. Power and Wisdom:** The forceful language used ("shut up," "burst forth") highlights God's immense power. Yet, this power is not wielded haphazardly; it is coupled with wisdom, as evidenced by the precise boundaries set for the sea. This combination of power and wisdom inspires awe and trust in God as the ultimate Lawgiver. **4. Divine Origin of Natural Laws:** The passage implies that the natural laws governing the sea are not merely observed by God, but actively established by him. This reinforces the idea that all laws, both natural and human, ultimately stem from God's will and wisdom. **5. Purposeful Creation:** The imagery of the sea's "womb" and "garment" suggests that God's laws are not arbitrary restrictions, but rather serve a purpose. Just as a garment protects and adorns, and a womb nurtures life, God's laws guide and sustain creation. In conclusion, Job 38:8-10 portrays Jehovah as a powerful, wise, and purposeful Lawgiver. His laws govern both the natural world and human societies, bringing order, justice, and stability. By understanding these attributes, we can approach human laws with a greater sense of respect and responsibility, recognizing their divine origin and purpose. Remember, these are just some interpretations of the passage. Different individuals and religious traditions may draw different insights from these verses. It's important to consider the broader context of the book of Job and engage in personal reflection to gain a deeper understanding of God's role as Lawgiver.

22 January 2024

Influence Of Close Relationships

Jim Rohn's quote, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with," certainly carries a lot of weight. It touches on the crucial influence our close relationships have on shaping who we become. Here are a few ways to interpret the quote: **Influence and Inspiration:** We tend to pick up habits, values, and behaviors from those we spend the most time with. Surrounding yourself with positive, ambitious, and driven individuals can motivate you to strive for personal growth and success. Conversely, if your close circle is largely negative or unmotivated, it could impact your own outlook and drive. **Social Learning:** Through observation and interaction, we learn from the people around us. If you're with individuals who are skilled in certain areas, you might naturally pick up some of their knowledge and expertise. Similarly, negative influences can lead to adopting undesirable habits or attitudes. **Shared Perspective:** The people we spend the most time with often shape our worldview and perspective. Their thoughts and opinions can influence how we perceive and react to different situations. This can be positive if your close circle is open-minded and accepting, but it can also lead to narrow-mindedness or bias if surrounded by rigid or prejudiced individuals. It's important to remember that this quote is an oversimplification. We are all complex individuals with our own unique experiences and values. While those we spend time with undoubtedly influence us, we also have the agency to choose our own paths and make our own decisions. Overall, Jim Rohn's quote serves as a valuable reminder to be mindful of who we surround ourselves with. By choosing to spend time with positive, supportive, and inspiring individuals, we can positively influence our own personal growth and development. What are your thoughts on this quote? Do you see its truth in your own life?

10 January 2024

Jehovah's Witnesses And CSA

The topic of child sexual abuse (CSA) within the Jehovah's Witnesses (JW) community is a complex and sensitive one, with allegations of historical and ongoing abuse raising serious concerns. Here's a balanced overview of some key points: **Concerns:** * **Multiple investigations and lawsuits:** Several countries, including Australia, Pennsylvania, and Germany, have launched investigations into the JW's handling of CSA allegations. Lawsuits filed by victims allege that the organization's policies and procedures created an environment where abuse was shielded and reporting was discouraged. * **Internal policies:** Critics argue that the emphasis on internal investigations and judicial committees, with two-witness requirements to prove wrongdoing, can lead to perpetrators being protected and victims being pressured to stay silent. * **Shunning:** The practice of shunning, or excommunication, can further isolate victims and make it difficult for them to speak out about their experiences. **JW's perspective:** * **Condemnation of CSA:** The JW organization officially condemns CSA and acknowledges its seriousness. They claim to have implemented policies and training programs to protect children and provide support for victims. * **Biblical basis:** The JW's cite their interpretation of the Bible as the basis for their policies, including the two-witness requirement. They argue that this protects against false accusations and ensures due process. * **Cooperation with authorities:** The JW's state that they encourage victims to report abuse to the authorities and deny that they discourage reporting. **Current situation:** * **Ongoing investigations and legal battles:** Judicial inquiries and lawsuits continue to shed light on the extent of CSA within the JW community and challenge the organization's handling of these cases. * **Internal reforms:** The JW organization has implemented some changes to its policies, such as establishing hotlines for reporting abuse and providing training for elders. However, critics argue that these changes are not sufficient to address the systemic issues. **Resources:** * **Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse (Australia):** [https://www.royalcommission.gov.au/child-abuse](https://www.royalcommission.gov.au/child-abuse) * **Jehovah's Witnesses' Scripturally Based Position on Child Protection:** [https://www.jw.org/en/gov-resources/global-information-brochures/packet-jw-scripturally-based-position-child-protection/](https://www.jw.org/en/gov-resources/global-information-brochures/packet-jw-scripturally-based-position-child-protection/) * **JW Watch:** [https://revealnews.org/topic/jehovahs-witnesses/](https://revealnews.org/topic/jehovahs-witnesses/) Please note that this is just a brief overview of a complex issue. It's important to consult additional resources and consider diverse perspectives before forming your own opinion. I understand that this is a sensitive topic and want to assure you that I am here to provide information and support in any way I can. If you or someone you know has been affected by CSA, please reach out to a trusted adult or a professional organization for help. Here are some resources: * National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE * Childhelp USA: 1-800-422-4453 * The Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN): 1-800-656-HOPE You can also get help online at RAINN's website: [https://www.rainn.org](https://www.rainn.org)

06 January 2024

Project Lazarus: Echoes of a Dying Sun

The year is 2243. Our sun, once a vibrant titan, now sputters like a weary candle. Solar flares whip across the barren Earth, scorchingscars on a dying planet. Humanity clings to life in domed cities, fueled by dwindling geothermal reserves and synthetic protein rations. Hope lies not in the future, but in the past. Project Lazarus, a last-ditch gamble, aims to send the remnants of civilization back in time, seeking refuge in Earth's ancient cradle. The chronopod, a marvel of temporal engineering, promises a one-way trip to a golden age, a chance to rewrite history and escape the sun's dying grip. Among the chosen passengers are Elara, a brilliant astrophysicist haunted by the sun's demise; Kai, a stoic engineer burdened by the weight of a thousand lives; and Zaria, a rebellious teenager who dreams of a world beyond the stifling domes. As the chronopod hurtles through the tapestry of time, landing with a bone-jarring thud in 2043, they emerge into a world eerily familiar, yet startlingly different. Towering forests pierce the sun-drenched sky, teeming with life long thought extinct. Cities shimmer with the promise of a nascent technological age, untouched by the shadow of a dying sun. Yet, this pristine Earth holds its own perils. A ruthless conglomerate, ChronosCorp, exploits the chronopod technology for its own gain, manipulating the past for profit and power. Thrust into a web of intrigue and survival, Elara, Kai, and Zaria must navigate the complexities of a time not their own. They forge alliances with a band of eco-activists, the Earthborn, who fight to protect the fragile ecosystem from ChronosCorp's rapacious greed. Together, they unravel the secrets of the chronopod, discovering its potential not only to escape the future, but to save it. In a race against time, they must convince the past to change its course, to embrace renewable energy and sustainable practices before the mistakes of the future repeat themselves. Elara leads the charge, channeling her grief into a burning commitment to preserve the sun's life, even if it means sacrificing her own chance of escape. Their choices ripple through the fabric of time, sending echoes into the future. Their fight against ChronosCorp becomes a battle for the soul of humanity, a desperate bid to ensure that Earth's second chance isn't its last. Project Lazarus becomes a testament to the human spirit, a defiant act of hope in the face of oblivion. In the end, the question remains: can the past learn from the future's mistakes? Can humanity rewrite its own history, ensuring not only its survival, but the survival of the sun? Project Lazarus offers no easy answers, only the echoes of a dying sun and the faint pulse of hope, reminding us that even in the face of extinction, the fight for a better tomorrow is never truly lost.

05 January 2024

The Echoes of a Faded Symphony

Dr. Amara Kallisto stood trembling before the ancient monolith, a lone beacon in the desolate wasteland. Millennia of dust swirled around her, testimony to the vanished echo of human laughter. She was a Historian, one of the last remnants of her once-great profession, a relic in a world consumed by its own ashes. Time travel, once a marvel, had become a curse, leading humanity down a spiral of paradoxes and self-inflicted extinction. This monolith, however, whispered of hope. Legend spoke of the "Vault of Echoes," a repository storing the collective memories of their lost civilization. Amara traced the faded symbols on its surface, hoping the ancient technology would still recognize her touch. A pulse of light, a hum like a whispered prayer, and the monolith parted, revealing a cavernous hall draped in darkness. The Vault was a symphony of holograms, each flickering to life as Amara hesitantly stepped forward. They were scenes from humanity's golden age, vibrant cities shimmering with technological marvels. Children with laughter etched on their faces, families gathered around tables laden with food, lovers under starlit skies. Amara wept, her heart twisting with a longing for a world she had never known. Then came the dissonance. The shadows crept in, whispers of conflict, environmental cataclysms, wars ignited by petty greed. The holograms became grainy, voices distorted with anguish. Amara stumbled through the memories, witnessing the slow unraveling of her species. Technological advancement became a weapon, resources a curse, the delicate balance with nature brutally severed. She saw empires rise and crumble, alliances forged and broken. The faces she had seen in joy now twisted with hatred and despair. Leaders blinded by ambition, the masses lost in fear and division. Each memory was a shard of broken glass, reflecting the shattered image of humanity. The final holograph flickered into existence, depicting a barren wasteland, the wind singing an elegy through crumbling structures. A lone figure, silhouetted against a dying sun, looked with haunted eyes back at Amara, at the ghosts of their past. Then, silence. Amara collapsed, the weight of history crushing her spirit. Her tears mingled with the dust, her sobs echoing in the tomb of memories. She had sought understanding, but found only confirmation of their tragic end. Yet, amidst the despair, a spark flickered. There, in the fading embers of their past, Amara saw resilience, love, and the indomitable human spirit that once built and dreamed. Perhaps, within those echoes, lay the seed of a new beginning. With a resolute heart, she began recording the memories, ensuring the story of humanity wouldn't be lost, even in its ending. Dr. Amara Kallisto, the last Historian, walked out of the Vault of Echoes, not with answers, but with a burden. The burden of remembering, of carrying the weight of their fall, but also the possibility of redemption. For even in the ashes of a fallen symphony, a single note can rise again, singing a new song of hope for a future yet unwritten.

31 December 2023

Luck of the Horseshoe

A horseshoe hung on a door is a symbol of good luck and protection. This tradition dates back to ancient times and is found in various cultures. The horseshoe is typically hung with the ends pointing upwards, resembling a 'U' shape, to supposedly contain and store the good luck. Some believe that hanging it with the ends pointing downward will have the good luck flow out and bless those who pass under it. The origin of this belief is often attributed to a legend involving a blacksmith and a devil, where the blacksmith created a horseshoe that protected against evil.

20 December 2023

When Jerusalem Surrounds Jerusalem: Fleeing to the Mountains in Luke 21:21

Welcome! Today's study will delve into Luke 21:21, a verse laden with urgency and significance. Within its context, Jesus offers stark instructions to his disciples concerning a pivotal moment in history: the destruction of Jerusalem. Let's unpack this verse together, considering its historical context, theological implications, and personal applications.

Setting the Stage (Lk 21:1-20):

Before directly addressing verse 21, it's crucial to understand its surrounding context. The preceding verses paint a picture of Jesus in the Jerusalem temple, observing financial offerings and criticizing the extravagant ornamentation. He then launches into a discourse on Jerusalem's impending destruction, outlining signs that would precede this event. These include false prophets, wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, and the persecution of believers.

Focus on Verse 21:

Now, let's dissect verse 21 in detail:

"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies": This is the critical sign signifying the nearness of Jerusalem's fall. Roman armies laying siege to the city would be the visual cue for immediate action.
"Know that its desolation is at hand": This underscores the severity and inevitability of the coming destruction. Jesus doesn't mince words, leaving no room for doubt about the consequences.
"Then those in Judea must flee to the mountains": Jesus offers clear instructions for what his followers should do in this pivotal moment. Fleeing to the mountains symbolizes escape from imminent danger and seeking refuge in safer areas.
"Let those within the city escape from it": This further emphasizes the urgency of escaping Jerusalem once the signs are evident. Remaining inside the city would mean facing the violence and devastation of the siege.
"And let those in the countryside not enter the city": Even those outside Jerusalem were instructed not to return once the siege began. Entering the city at that point would mean entering a trap.
Discussion Points:

How does this passage portray the relationship between historical events and God's plan?
What does Jesus' instruction to flee tell us about his view of preparation and taking action in the face of impending events?
Can this passage be applied to other instances of persecution or danger, beyond the literal context of Jerusalem's destruction?
What personal lessons can we glean from this verse about vigilance, discernment, and seeking safety in times of trouble?

Luke 21:21, though specific to a historical event, holds valuable lessons for navigating turbulent times. It reminds us to be observant of warning signs, prepared for challenges, and willing to act decisively in seeking safety and protection. This verse also prompts us to reflect on our relationship with God and trust in his guidance during times of uncertainty and danger.

Further Exploration:

We can explore contemporary interpretations of this passage and its relevance to present-day situations.
We can consider how other scripture passages relate to themes of judgment, warning, and seeking refuge.
We can reflect on personal actions we can take to be prepared for unforeseen challenges in our own lives.

03 August 2023

Why the Song "Try That in a Small Town" Isn't Racist

Jason Aldean's song "Try That in a Small Town" has been at the center of controversy, with some accusing it of promoting racism and violence. However, a closer examination of the song's lyrics, context, and the artist's intentions reveals that these accusations may be unfounded.

### The Artist's Intention

Jason Aldean has stated that the song is about the sense of community he experienced growing up in a small town, where neighbors took care of each other regardless of their differences in background or belief[1][2]. He has also emphasized that his political views have never been hidden, and that the song is not meant to promote violence or racism[1].

### The Lyrics

The lyrics of "Try That in a Small Town" address crime and the deterioration of smaller towns, urging people to take care of their own communities[2]. While some lines in the song mention gun ownership and criticize certain behaviors, they do not explicitly promote racism or violence. Instead, they emphasize the importance of community values and taking care of one's neighbors[1][4].

### The Music Video Controversy

The music video for "Try That in a Small Town" initially included footage from the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, which led to accusations of racism[3]. However, the video was later edited to remove this footage, with Aldean's label citing "third party copyright clearance issues" as the reason for the change[12]. This alteration suggests that the inclusion of the footage was not intended to promote a racist message.

### Conclusion

While "Try That in a Small Town" has generated controversy, the artist's intention, the song's lyrics, and the edited music video all indicate that the song is not meant to promote racism or violence. Instead, it is a reflection of Jason Aldean's experiences growing up in a small town and the importance of community values.

[1] Jason Aldean Try That in a Small Town Lyrics, Racist ... https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/music/1617322/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-lyrics/
[2] The Meaning Behind Jason Aldean's Controversial Hit "Try That in a Small Town" https://americansongwriter.com/the-meaning-behind-jason-aldeans-controversial-hit-try-that-in-a-small-town/
[3] Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' Music Video ... https://people.com/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-controversy-everything-to-know-7565407
[4] Jason Aldean speaks out on 'Try That In A Small Town' ... https://www.tennessean.com/story/entertainment/music/2023/07/18/jason-aldean-speaks-out-on-try-that-in-a-small-town-video-backlash/70426819007/
[5] Try That In A Small Town Lyrics - Jason Aldean https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/jasonaldean/trythatinasmalltown.html
[6] Jason Aldean - Try That In A Small Town (Official Music Video) - YouTube https://youtube.com/watch?v=b1_RKu-ESCY
[7] Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' becomes biggest ... https://ew.com/music/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-charts-racial-controversy/
[8] Jason Aldean responds to controversy over "Try That in a ... https://www.cbsnews.com/news/jason-aldean-responds-try-that-in-a-small-town-controversy/
[9] Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' controversy ... https://www.npr.org/2023/07/20/1188966935/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-song-video
[10] Why is Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' so controversial? - The Today Show https://www.today.com/popculture/music/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-controversy-rcna95562
[11] TikToker who debunked Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a ... https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/tiktoker-debunked-jason-aldeans-try-small-town-video-receives-racist-h-rcna95996
[12] Jason Aldean's 'Try That In A Small Town' video edited ... https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/music/2023/07/27/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-video-edited/70473761007/
[13] The outrage over Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town ... https://www.washingtonpost.com/entertainment/music/2023/07/20/jason-aldean-song-video-pulled-cmt-controversy/
[14] Jason Aldean facing new racism accusations tied to 'pro- ... https://nypost.com/2023/07/24/jason-aldean-facing-new-racism-accusations-for-try-that-in-a-small-town/
[15] Jason Aldean On 'Try That in a Small Town' Backlash https://www.today.com/popculture/news/jason-aldean-try-small-town-backlash-rcna95001
[16] Jason Aldean – Try That In A Small Town Lyrics https://genius.com/Jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-lyrics
[17] How Jason Aldean's controversial hit song became a ... https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-jason-aldeans-controversial-hit-song-became-a-cultural-flashpoint
[18] Jason Aldean: Try That In A Small Town lyrics and video ... https://www.nationalworld.com/us/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-lyrics-video-controversy-blm-4225773
[19] Jason Aldean's 'Try That in a Small Town' music video ... https://abc7chicago.com/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-cmt-controversial-song/13522976/
[20] CMT Pulls Jason Aldean Video for 'Try That in a Small Town' https://www.nytimes.com/2023/07/19/arts/music/jason-aldean-try-that-in-a-small-town-cmt.html

By Perplexity at https://www.perplexity.ai/?s=m&uuid=4e71b17e-8b47-4884-b27e-08bb489b2278