29 November 2015
22 November 2015
Worked for about 4 hours last night. My foot was pretty aggravated by the end of the shift. Stopped by McDonald's on the way home so that I could take my medicine for the pain. Starting to think that I am getting accustomed to the medicine but it is still working. That I am grateful for.
When I get to a certain financial level, I have been thinking of either moving to Chicago or San Diego or both. Both would require a higher level of financial status. Both would be a good and likely place to live. Second option would be to move back to Alaska. During the first few weeks of gaining what I need, I will be able to look at my options and weigh the pros and cons of each and all places.
Just not sure what I would do with 3 nights off in a row. Wondering what would help with earning money while I wait to heal. Though I am sure I can find out when I go for my appointment at the VA Clinic in Bellevue. Just wish that there was an easier way to earn a living. Perhaps I can find a way while at my parents' house for dinner. Here's to hoping a way pops up. 😊
18 November 2015
17 November 2015
The Norco does help with alleviating what does exist. Progression is seemingly coming along because of it as well. Just wishing that it would heal faster. Healing right wouldn't happen that way I guess. It is pretty nice to catch up on my Hulu queue though.
One in particular show is Castle. Always did like the kind of shows that involve actors like the main character in Castle. Firefly was a good show and don't know why it was cancelled. And the previous actors are included into some of the episodes of Castle.
Work called, seeing if I would be able to do 4 hours on a scheduled Saturday to see how things worked out. That would be half of my normal time but would be good to still get part of a paycheck. Sunday night was also a scheduled night that would also see how things would work if Saturday goes well. Two nights off after that and I have my VA appointment on the next scheduled night for work. So pretty much, I'll be letting work know how the appointment goes when all is said and done.
Pretty much, after Wednesday, I'll have have medical whether or not I have a job after that. Just not sure what all I'll have after that.
12 November 2015
As it is
Not sure if I should have waited so long to get my foot looked at considering how it felt after I had slipped on the stairs and how my right foot had gotten caught. It had seemed to have held the weight of my body which had felt to transfer all to that one toe. It had been shortly after getting off work and had a few minutes after getting home decided to get my laundry from the dryer. Hindsight suggests that I could have worn my indoor shoes to prevent the slip.
Upon review of the x-rays, the doc had said that the part of the big toe on my right foot was fractured and that I should have minimal use of walking until it is healed and that I should have it looked at in 7 to 10 days to see whether surgery is necessary or not. 6 to 10 weeks was his time frame for healing if no surgery is needed. When I go into the VA clinic on the 25th of this month, it have been 10 days and then they will be able to look at it. I was going to be going in initially to get a initial check up to get primary care established but this will be part of what I go in for as well.
Pretty glad that I went in to get my foot checked out. Definitely helps to know what is going on with it that thereis a process for taking care of it. Just don't know if I will have a job when the whole thing is said and done. Though I am pretty sure that I will be qualified for unemployment if I am jobless after this.
In the meantime, I will rest and elevate my foot to let it heal. The bridge will be crossed when I get there.
16 August 2015
06 June 2015
19 March 2015
Gods by Langston Hughes
The ivory gods,
And the ebony gods,
And the gods of diamond and jade,
Sit silently on their temple shelves
While the people
Are afraid.
Yet the ivory gods,
And the ebony gods,
And the gods of diamond-jade,
Are only silly puppet gods
That the people themselves
Have made.
~ Langston Hughes
07 January 2015
Possible Job In Hoffman Estates
Yesterday, I had gotten an email from a head hunter wondering if I may be interested in a possible job with Siemens. I had replied with an updated resume. The position was better geared to what I went to school for and was nearly double the pay I am currently getting. Naturally I would take it, right?
Today, I get a call from the head hunter wanting a little bit more info before sending on my resume. Found out that it would be about a week or so for them to get back about the potential candidates. If they were interested in me through my resume, then I would be offered an interview. This still sounded good, hoping for the best that they would ultimately hire me.
Would love to be back in the Chicago Area. Has a lot more to offer then the small town I am currently living in. Plus, it would help me to get my life back on track. May even help me with finishing up my Bachelor’s.
Started looking for possible places to live should the opportunity for employment with such a wonderful establishment. Think I may have tried before to get a job with Siemens but it didn’t work out. Hoffman Estates is a nice area and wouldn’t mind living there for a little while.
09 November 2014
What The Marine Corps Birthday And Veterans Day Means To Me
Tomorrow, on Monday, 10 November 2014, it will be the 239th year of the Marine Corps. The day after, Veteran’s Day. Thinking first of the Marine Corps, what comes to mind are those I served along side with. 5 years of my life, spent in an effort to be part of what was to be bigger than myself. A path paved by those before me and those after, fulfilling an obligation freely taken and fully served for the country we believed in, a country we dared to protect against those who dare to take it and destroy. Freedoms we protected were given up so that our families, friends, and others may have them as enjoyment. The sacrifice of past, current, and future Marines will always be remembered by those close to them and the ones they protect. Those who died that I served with gave willingly of themselves so that those back home may enjoy comforts that all can work for. A sacrifice that will allow the freedom to enjoy each day to the fullest and to read, watch, write, speak, listen, believe or not believe etc. anything that is reasonable to them.
Freedoms that all should and aught to enjoy around the world are enjoyed in America. Those freedoms fought hard for by those who served in the Marine Corps and the other services, which is what Veteran’s Day is set to help us as a nation to remember.
The family’s of those that have served give up so much as well in order for those that serve may serve even more freely. Parents who let their sons and daughters go to war, knowing that they may never see them again. Wives and husbands who support their spouses in their service to fellow man and country, fearing just as well that it is for the greater good that the spouse protects the country with the gift of self, wholly and without reservation, knowing the ultimate gift is their life. Last but definitely not least, are the children whose parent ( s ) serve, growing up knowing what was given. Those who have lost loved ones in exchange for the protection of freedom and home soil know the cost that comes with supporting such actions.
Those who serve in all the branches know the cost of bearing such a weight, doing it gladly knowing the reward at the end.
This Marine Corps Birthday and Veteran’s Day have a significance to me in that I know the cost given by those fallen that I served with. Within the unit I served at OEF2, 6 I knew died, giving of themselves, committed to never letting any dangers that may come after what they cherished back back home get any closer than was necessary, especially if they could have a say. Since coming back, I have remembered them, always keeping in mind the sacrifice they made. The 6 I knew, along with the countless others.