17 March 2021

Sent My Passport Off For Renewal

Today I got my passport pictures taken at CVS, which cost about $17, less than I was expecting it to be and a quicker process as well. Think it took about 10 minutes all togeter. Completely forgot about the possibility of any USPS building having a passport office, but luckily didn't have to since it would have required an appointment anyways. Saved myself a little bit of trouble that way. Took the bus to the USPS building after the pics, and ended up having to get a money order to pay for the processing of my passport at it's final destination. For some reason I was thinking I'd be able to pay for everything up front at the post office. Come to find out a check or money order is needed so that it can be sent with the materials and processing. Seems like a receipt would have been more convenient, allowing for everything to be paid at the origination so that everything is set and no worries needed. It was a clear day with warm weather today allowing for a comfortable bus ride and walking in between. Allowed for a good scenic view when waiting for the bus home as well.

06 March 2021

A Trip To Lusaka In The Making

     My mom's cancer treatment has been every two weeks, with a three day treatment process. It's got it's ups and downs, with a new drug that doesn't give her adverse reactions to cold. She's been seeming to react well to the previous treatment, the current treatment is to see what more progress can be made. 
     Recently found my passport, as I need to renew it. Planning on visiting Lusaka, Zambia. Have a friend I'll be visiting there. She's currently got one child, a daughter who's in school as a 9 year old. As it turns out, even though my passport is expired,  there's a 15 year period from the initial issue to be able to mail it in with pictures which simplifies the process, I think. Had it been past the 15 years, I would have to do the whole process again as if for the 1st time. I'll have to wait 6 months after it has become valid again before I can consider the trip to Lusaka. It'll give me time to save and plan for the trip.