30 March 2013

30 March 2013 - 1 Timothy 5: 21

Saturday, March 30

Keep these things without prejudgment, doing nothing according to a biased leaning. — 1 Tim. 5:21

Three Biblical examples underscore the danger of acting hastily after hearing only one side of a controversy. Potiphar believed his wife’s story that Joseph had tried to rape her. With unjustified anger, Potiphar had Joseph thrown into prison. (Gen. 39:19, 20) King David believed Ziba, who said that his master, Mephibosheth, had sided with David’s enemies. “Look! Yours is everything that belongs to Mephibosheth” was David’s hasty response. (2 Sam. 16:4; 19:25-27) King Artaxerxes was told that the Jews were rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls and were about to rebel against the Persian Empire. The king believed the false report and ordered that all rebuilding in Jerusalem cease. As a result, the Jews stopped work on God’s temple. (Ezra 4:11-13, 23, 24) Christian elders wisely follow Paul’s counsel to Timothy to avoid making premature judgments. w118/15 4:12


  1. Thanks for this information. It is so ironic that this post emphasizes exactly what WatchTower TRACT Society has its Members do: Automatically, pre-judgingly, biasly, and hastily consider another Member "Apostate" simply because that Member doesn't agree with 100% of WTS teachings, which change so often.

  2. It doesn't happen that way at all. Everything that the society teaches is along what the bible says.

  3. Zachary, are you saying the WTS' past teaching that the anointed remnant was the Faithful and Discreet Slave was the Bible "truth" before October 2012 and the WTS still has the "truth" from the Bible now that the Governing Body claims to be the FDS? Bible truth never changes. Since the WTS didn't know who the FDS really was, then, the best thing to have done was to remain silent. At least that's what the Bible book of Proverbs recommends.

    Do you know of the many WTS teachings which have changed, proving the WTS can't be from Jehovah since He or His Word the Bible never changes? Please research WTS' changing teachings. How can you promote something that changes? Do you feel responsible enough to go back to each door and let the householders know what the WTS taught last week or last year has changed?

    1. Proverbs 4: 18 - But the path of the righteous ones is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established.

  4. Zachary, do you believe it's right for someone to tell you something then change it, tell you something else then change it. How many times will you be gullible to lies before you stop believing them. Should be the same with the WTS. The same teachings which some WTS Members were shunned for disagreeing with have now changed, ie, the identity of the Faithful Slave. WTS is now claiming the Governing Body is the FDS instead of the anointed remnant. Do you personally believe the WTS Members who were shunned for not believing the anointed remnant was the Faithful Slave should still be shunned now that that teaching has changed?

  5. It's ok for science to do but not anything religious?

    1. Zachary, if what you believe is true, why not answer the question? How can flip-flopping be described as providing new light?

      "If we were following a man undoubtedly it would be different with us; undoubtedly one human idea would contradict another and that which was light one or two or six years ago would be regarded as darkness now;… But with God there is no variableness, neither shadow of turning, and so it is with truth; any knowledge or light coming from God must be like its author. A new view of truth never can contradict a former truth. "New Light" never extinguishes older "light" but adds to it…" Zion's Watch Tower 1881 Feb pp.3,188

  6. The world used to be taught as flat. Even the definition of death changes constantly. Are you going to also tell science it should stick to one thing and not change that it can be seen as truth?

  7. Zachary, in your first reply to me, you made an interesting statement "Everything that the society teaches is along what the bible says." QUESTION #1: WTS taught for decades the anointed remnant was the Faithful and Discreet Slave. Where in the Bible does it say that? QUESTION #2. And now that this false teaching has changed, where in the Bible does it say the Faithful and Discreet Slave is now the Governing Body. When you discover you can't answer truthfully, please don't give me some excuse like the WTS does. Instead, Please research the rest of the changed teachings of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Inc., a publishing giant disguised as a religion. The WTS excuse "the light got brighter" is just an excuse. Not admitting wrong is pride. Even a "my bad" now and then would raise my respect for the WTS a spec.
